My choice of Weevo hr was very conscious. I had worked as an HR Consultant before and I knew what I was looking for. I was looking for an organization with a focus on knowledge and expertise, a group of HR Professionals I could learn from. In an internal HR department, you (often) only have a few colleagues you can contact for advice and if they don’t have expertise in the specific situation you are working on, you are often on your own.
As a consultant, you can fall back on a team of HR professionals who may have this expertise and so you can assist your client even better. You always have a safety net behind you 😉, both for HR questions and for personal growth.
And I felt the latter even before I had started. During my first ‘getting to know you’ meeting, I mentioned that everything around automation and HR Analytics interests me, and a week later I received an invitation for the (already planned) training course on HR Analytics. This was scheduled even before my first day, but I was invited none the less 😊
– Sofie Ceulemans